Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Nigeria Family


The scenario of Nigeria can be translated to a literature 'joy of motherhood' that became an irony of itself 'sorrow of motherhood'. Despite the uncompetitive natural resources in the midst of over 200 countries of the world and ranked one of the highest producing oil country of the world, Her citizens still lives from hand to mouth, living like an unredeemable rags despite abundance.

Nigeria, a country with population of over 180 million people with abundance of Natural resources like limestone,ore,coal crude oil,iron,gold,a fertile land for agriculture and one of the largest producers of Crude oil is still an Under-developed country with some  citizens living below 5 dollar per day. Being one of the largest producers of crude oil, Nigeria still imports petrol .What happened to our refineries? what happened to having working refineries?

The high rate of unemployment in our country is fearful.  There is anguish in the land. From the center of power to other parts of the country, disorder is the order of the day. Yet, amidst all these, the representatives of the people in government choose to enrich themselves without thinking of those they claim to represent.

The minimum wage is 18000 naira. In this country, what is 18000 naira to a man with family of  just 3,his wife and child.18000 naira is not enough to pay school fees, an average Nigeria primary school's tuition fee per tern is 20,000 naira and that of secondary school is 30,000 naira while University of Lagos which is one of the cheapest Federal University 's tuition fee per session is 21,500 plus faculty due and all other dues.

As poverty-stricken as the average Nigerian is, Nigerian senators pride themselves as one of the highest paid in the world.

Here is a breakdown of a Nigerian Senators monthly salary as stated by Professor Itse Sagay

Basic salary N2,484,245.50

Hardship allowance 1,242, 122.70

Constituency allowance N4, 968, 509.00

Furniture allowance N7, 452, 736.50

Newspaper allowance N1, 242, 122.70

Wardrobe allowance N621,061.37

Recess allowance N248, 424.55

Accommodation N4,968,509.00

Utilities N828,081.83

Domestic staff N1,863,184.12

Entertainment N828,081.83

Personal assistant N621,061.37

Vehicle maintenance allowance N1,863,184.12

Leave allowance N248,424.55

Severance gratuity N7,425,736.50

Motor vehicle allowance N9,936,982.00


If it is divided into three which is 15,616,157 .One part is paid to the senator and the remaining part which is 31,232,314 is used to employ Nigerians with the minimum wage increased to 100,000 naira, it means 312 Nigerians will be gainfully employed and get a little bit comfortable with one senator's salary. We have 109 senators, 312×104= 34,040.Meaning 34,040 Nigerians will be gainfully employed

Corruption is the greatest problem Nigeria has as a country and this problem has eaten deep into the roots.
Just take a look at our educational sector; does it not seem like a forum of un-seriousness?  As important as the health sector is, it has always been ministered like it’s nobody’s business. After all, none of the elites make use of the shithole hospitals that are made available to us.

Is there a point to talk about security when the incessant, inexplicable killings of poor Nigerians have been posing questions our leaders have refused to answer? These politicians move with security forces like they're living in a battlefield: They've succeeded in securing their lives so it is left for God to bless the people with security.

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