Saturday, June 23, 2018

Politics: The Class of 2018 Final Exam

By Pereira Oluwabimpe Miracle

The National Diploma two student of Nigerian Institute of Journalism are writing their final papers today and are excited about the signing out as a great student of this prestigious Institution.

They are fully prepare for their final paper and very quiet to avoid problems with the supervisor, the course they are writing is Online Journalism by Mr Quasim Akinreti.

Nij Reporters Wish them the best in flying colors and to bring back what they have learnt in this great institution to the society and stand out.

Education: Class of 2018 In NIJ


“A graduate is a graduate, be it ND, HND, Bs.C, and so on!” - Gov. Boluwatife Opaniran.

The class governor of the National Diploma 2A  has in the early hours of today 23rd of June, sent words of encouragement to the class platform as they mark today as their last and finial semester in school.

“I believe in everyone; in our abilities, in our capacities, in our intelligence, and I am encouraging us that the world needs the best from us, we can move mountains, deposit positively to our generation and make the entirety of the earth a better place via our individuals' contribution.We are the best version of ourselves, however, it is my pleading that we work on our character as well as our integrity, because the ultitude a man gets to is not solely determinant on charisma and efficiency but the character to preserve the great potentials we possess.

A graduate is a graduate, be it ND, HND, Bs.C, and so on! What matters most is that a cap is added, and the world expects the best beyond our qualifications or what our certificates carries. I enjoin everyone to put his/her best into this one year internship. This is the period to learn new thing, acquire rare skills, bridge the gap between the town and the gown and so much more.... 
Therefore, personally, I expect the best from everyone, as I am not exonerated from this also. To those putting a stop at this point, I wish you well in your future endeavours; to those furthering to other institutions of learning, I challenge you to make it known you passed through the fire of Nigerian Institute of Journalism; and to those coming back, I believe we can correct the errors of the past and make the best out of our return”.

However, the Higher Diploma 2 students started their week by warming themselves  with different dress codes as planned by their social directors. Graduating students are expected to wear white which represents and distinguished them from other students as they sign out of the institute.


They Offer Complete Protein.
One egg has 6 grams of the stuff, with all nine "essential" amino acids, the building blocks of protein. That's important because those are the ones your body can't make by itself. The egg white holds about half that protein and only a small portion of the fat and cholesterol.
They're Nutrient Dense
That means eggs have more nutrients -- vitamins, minerals, amino acids -- per calorie than most other foods. Have an egg and you'll get: High-quality protein, Selenium, Phosphorus, Choline, Vitamin B12, and Multiple antioxidants, which help keep your cells healthy
They Help Your Good Cholesterol
This "good" cholesterol, called HDL, seems to go up in people who have three or more eggs a day. Of course, LDL, the "bad" type, goes up, too. But the individual pieces of each get bigger. That makes it harder for the bad stuff to hurt you and easier for the good stuff to clear it away.
They Can Lower Your Triglycerides
Your doctor tests you for these along with HDL and LDL. Lower triglycerides are better for your health. Eating eggs, especially those enriched with certain fatty acids (like omega-3s), seems to bring down your levels.
They Can Lower Your Odds of a Stroke
Though studies vary, it appears that a daily egg might lower your risk. In a recent Chinese study, people who had about one a day were almost 30% less likely to die from hemorrhagic stroke than those who had none.
They Help With Portion Control
At about 70 calories per egg, you know exactly what you are getting. And they travel easy, too. Hard boil a couple and stick 'em in your cooler. Add a salad or a couple of slices of bread and you've got a quick, healthy lunch.
They're Affordable
At 20 cents a serving, you can't beat it for a high-quality protein that won't break the bank. Add a slice of whole-grain toast, some avocado, and a little hot sauce, and you have a meal fit for a king at a pauper's price. And you don't have to worry about sugar or carbs because eggs don't have either.
They're Heart Healthy
Surprised? It's true. Overall, people who eat more of them don't seem to raise their chances of heart disease. Even people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes were just as heart healthy after a high-egg diet designed for weight loss. In a recent Chinese study, people who ate about an egg a day were almost 20% less likely than non-egg eaters to develop heart disease.
They Help Your Eyes
Doctors know that the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin help keep you from getting eye diseases like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Green, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale have them, too. But eggs are a better source. That's because the fat they have makes it easier for your body to use the nutrients.


Some experts have called on all tiers of government in Nigeria to pay more attention to alternative and herbal medicine in order to boost healthcare delivery.
They made the call in Ibadan at a lecture organised by the Oyo State Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ). The lecture was held in commemoration of the 2018 Sustainable Gastronomy Day.
Wikipedia defines gastronomy as the study of the relationship between food and culture, art of preparing and serving rich or delicate and appetising food,  the cooking styles of particular regions and the science of good eating.
The UN General Assembly had on Dec. 21, 2016 adopted June 18  as  Sustainable Gastronomy Day.
The decision acknowledged gastronomy as a cultural expression related to the natural and cultural diversity of the world.
Dr Akintunde Ayeni, President of Yemkem Group and Guest Lecturer at the event, said Nigeria was endowed with lots of natural medicines.
Ayeni in his  lecture entitled,  “Nature and Human Health”, said that natural medicines have   capacity to cure many serious and life threatening ailments which have defied interventions by orthodox medicine.
He listed social psychiatry, hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy and other psychosomatic diseases as some of the ailments which natural medicines have the capacity of curing.
“Our governments should prioritise development of herbal medicine through keeping inventory and documentation of medicinal plants and herbs.
“They should establish local botanical gardens, potent regulatory body for traditional medicine practice and set up testing laboratories with adequate facilities to ensure quality control in herbal production,’’ Ayeni said.
Ayeni said that herbal medicine practitioners across the country had  ensured tremendous improvement on packaging strategies.
He said they had also evolved measures aimed at addressing the fears on measurability, dosage, preparation, documentation, preservation, potency and determination of side effects of traditional medical care.
“I want to assure the public that over 70 per cent shortcomings have been rectified while the remaining 30 per cent is receiving required attention,” he said
Also speaking, Taiye Ayorinde, the Baale of Ekotedo in Ibadan,  urged Nigerians  to take advantage of the efficacy of traditional medicine if they desired to live long.
Ayorinde, who was the Chairman of the occasion, said he was rescued from blindness through the application of herbs after spending his first three years on earth with visual impairment.
Earlier, Mr Adewunmi Faniran, the Oyo State NUJ Chairman, said that alternative medicine had the potential to heal many illnesses ravaging the country and its people.
He said the economy would also get a boost if adequate attention was  given to  traditional medicine.


UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has urged countries to invest in family-friendly policies that support early childhood development.
Mohamed Fall, UNICEF Representative in Nigeria, made the call in a statement in Abuja on Thursday. He emphasised that such investment should include paid paternity and maternity leave, free pre-primary education and paid breastfeeding breaks.
He added that “implementing national family-friendly policies that support early childhood development, including paid paternity leave, the government can provide parents the time, resources and information to take care of their children’’.
Quoting recent analysis conducted by UNICEF, Fall noted that two in three children below the age of one lived in countries where fathers were not entitled to a ‘single day’ of paid paternity leave by law.
He identified the new analysis as part of the organisation’s “Super Dads” campaign aimed at breaking barriers that prevented fathers from playing active role in their young children’s development.
The UNICEF representative explained that the campaign focused on the importance of love, play, protection and good nutrition for healthy development of children’s brain. He specifically noted that about 90 million children lived in such countries where their fathers were not entitled to such pays.
According to him, positive and meaningful interaction with mothers and fathers from the very beginning helps to shape children’s brain and development for life, making them healthier, happier and increases their ability to learn. He noted that “evidence suggests that when there is bond between fathers and their babies from the beginning of life, they are more likely to play active roles in the children’s development.
“Research also suggests that when children positively interact with their fathers, they have better psychological health, self-esteem and life-satisfaction in the long-term.
“A total of 92 countries, including Nigeria and India which have high infant population do not have national policies in place that ensure new fathers get adequate paid time off with their newborn babies.
“In comparison, countries with high infant populations, including: Brazil and Democratic Republic of the Congo have national paid paternity leave policies albeit offering relatively short-term entitlements.
“The government’s recent commitment to extend maternity leave from 12 to 16 weeks indicates that the momentum for family-friendly policies in Nigeria is growing.
Fall said, “Investments in the provision of support services to caregivers, as well as quality pre-primary education and good nutrition for children are investments in healthy and productive future for Nigerian generations,’’.


Healthy living is a key to long life.
Popcorn Is a Perfect Healthy Snack
Low-fat popcorn is crunchy, delicious, and a source of whole grain fiber. Plus, you can enjoy a large, filling portion! Look for popcorn made with "94% Fat Free Butter" or air-popped popcorn.
Potato chips are high in fat and it's hard to eat just a few -- all that you get in a 1-ounce serving. If you love chips, go for the baked ones and watch your portion size.
One Bowl for Your Fiber Needs
For a nourishing start to your day, choose a whole-grain bran cereal packed with fiber, such as bran flakes. Add fruit and low-fat milk for the most nutritious beginning. Granola may be natural but it's often high in fat. Use granola sparingly or as a topper on low-fat yogurt.
Shave the Fat, Not the Flavor
Choose sorbets, sherbets, light ice creams, or frozen yogurts for a fraction of the fat and calories. Thanks to a new special churning technology, these frozen treats taste like rich and creamy premium ice cream. A ½ cup dessert can fit into everyone's diet.
Skip High-Fat Pizza Toppings
Enjoy thin-crust frozen pizza Margarita style, or with grilled chicken or veggies. By passing on the sausage, pepperoni, and extra cheese, you'll slash the fat, sodium, and calories in this favorite food. Limit your portion to two slices (of a 12-inch pizza) and add a filling side salad to complete the meal.
Go for Real Juice
100% fruit juices are naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting antioxidants. In fact, they're the next best thing to eating whole fruit. "Fruit juice drinks," however, are usually packed with sugar and empty calories.
Snack on Healthy Hummus
Hummus is a gratifying combination of nutrition when paired with fresh veggies like baby carrots or baked pita chips. Made from chick peas, hummus is a good source of iron, vitamin C, protein, and fiber. So enjoy the pleasing taste of hummus and skip the cheese dip that can lead to diet sabotage.
Frozen Meals Can Be Healthy, Too!
Look for frozen meals that feature lean protein, plenty of vegetables, whole grains, and a low-fat or simple sauce. Avoid fried frozen food, or creamy casseroles. Frozen meals that are baked, grilled, steamed, or sautéed are healthier and lower in calories.
Spaghetti – A Healthy Favorite
Try the new whole-wheat pasta blends. Even the kids will like it if you top the spaghetti with your favorite tomato sauce. Voila! You’ve turned a childhood favorite into a high-fiber and nutrient-rich dish. Macaroni and cheese may be an old-standby, but its low in fiber and loaded with fat and calories.
Fat-Free Frozen Shrimp & Prawns
Shrimp are a tastier and healthier alternative to breaded fish sticks. You can buy them already cooked and shelled. Eat them cold with cocktail sauce; grill them, or sauté with veggies in a stir-fry.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Health: The epidemic of Obesity threatens the Health of Millions

By Adoga Daniella

Obesity is a complex disease with multiple causes that results in an unhealthy and inappropriate accumulation of stored fat in the body. Obesity substantially increases the risk for many associated diseases including high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, heart disease, and cancer. It will soon overcome smoking as the number one cause of preventable death in the world.

The exact cause of obesity remains unknown, but there are many plausible theories. We do know that obesity is a disease and not simply a character defect. Factors that play a role in the development of obesity are:
 • Genetic or inherited factors
 • Strong familial component to obesity
 • Dysfunction of genes that regulate metabolism, appetite, and satiety
 • Behavioral or psychological factors
 • Using food as a coping mechanism
 • Emotional eating
 • Eating disorders, such as binge eating
 • Learned eating behavior
 • Medical or endocrine causes
 • Cultural or environmental causes
 • Sedentary lifestyle
 • Technology that reduces our daily activity (TV remote, elevator)
 • High-calorie food readily available
Obesity represents a management challenge for physicians and a psychological and biological challenge for patients. Obese people often consider their condition to be a greater handicap than deafness, dyslexia or blindness.

Once a person becomes severely overweight, diet and exercise programs have dismal long-term results. Many people lose weight in the short term, but they gain it all back and then some. For those people, weight loss surgery is the only effective long term solution. The main problem associated with being overweight is a higher chance for early death. When people are overweight or obese, they are more likely to develop health problems such as the following:
 • Hypertension
 • Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
 • Type 2 diabetes
 • Coronary heart disease
 • Stroke
 • Gallbladder disease
 • Osteoarthritis
 • Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
 • Some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
There is a direct relationship between level of obesity and number of health problems that may develop. Studies show that if a person is overweight or obese, reducing body weight by 5 percent to 10 percent can improve one’s health.

Health: Tips for maintaining Good Health

By Adoga Daniella

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to health and nutrition.
People, even qualified experts, often seem to have the exact opposite opinions.
However, despite all the disagreements, there are a few things that are well supported by research.
Here are 8 health and nutrition tips that are actually based on good science.
1. Don't Drink Sugar Calories
Sugary drinks are the most fattening things you can put into your body.
This is because liquid sugar calories don't get registered by the brain in the same way as calories from solid foods.
For this reason, when you drink soda, you end up eating more total calories.
Sugary drinks are strongly associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and all sorts of health problems.
Keep in mind that fruit juices are almost as bad as soda in this regard. They contain just as much sugar, and the small amounts of antioxidants do NOT negate the harmful effects of the sugar.
2. Eat Nuts
Despite being high in fat, nuts are incredibly nutritious and healthy.
They are loaded with magnesium, vitamin E, fiber and various other nutrients.
Studies show that nuts can help you lose weight and may help fight type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Additionally, about 10-15% of the calories in nuts aren't even absorbed into the body, and some evidence suggests that they can boost metabolism.
In one study, almonds were shown to increase weight loss by 62% compared to complex carbohydrates.
3. Avoid Processed Junk Food (Eat Real Food Instead)
All the processed junk foods in the diet are the biggest reason the world is fatter and sicker than ever before.
These foods have been engineered to be "hyper-rewarding," so they trick our brains into eating more than we need, even leading to addiction in some people.
They are also low in fiber, protein and micronutrients (empty calories), but high in unhealthy ingredients like added sugar and refined grains.
4. Don't Fear Coffee
Coffee has been unfairly demonized. The truth is that it's actually very healthy.
Coffee is high in antioxidants, and studies show that coffee drinkers live longer, and have a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and numerous other diseases.
5. Eat Fatty Fish
Pretty much everyone agrees that fish is healthy.
This is particularly true of fatty fish, like salmon, which is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients.
Studies show that people who eat the most fish have a lower risk of all sorts of diseases, including heart disease, dementia and depression.

6. Get Enough Sleep
The importance of getting enough quality sleep can not be overstated.
It may be just as important as diet and exercise, if not more.
Poor sleep can drive insulin resistance, throw your appetite hormones out of whack And reduce your physical and mental performance.
What's more, it is one of the strongest individual risk factors for future weight gain and obesity. One study showed that short sleep was linked to 89% increased risk of obesity in children, and 55% in adults.
7. Take Care of Your Gut Health With Probiotics and Fiber
The bacteria in your gut, collectively called the gut microbiota, are sometimes referred to as the "forgotten organ."
These gut bugs are incredibly important for all sorts of health-related aspects. A disruption in the gut bacteria is linked to some of the world's most serious chronic diseases, including obesity.
A good way to improve gut health, is to eat probiotic foods (like live yogurt and sauerkraut), take probiotic supplements, and eat plenty of fiber. Fiber functions as fuel for the gut bacteria.
8. Drink Some Water, Especially Before Meals
Drinking enough water can have numerous benefits.
One important factor, is that it can help boost the amount of calories you burn.
According to 2 studies, it can boost metabolism by 24-30% over a period of 1-1.5 hours. This can amount to 96 additional calories burned if you drink 2 liters (67 oz) of water per day.
The best time to drink water is half an hour before meals. One study showed that half a litre of water, 30 minutes before each meal, increased weight loss by 44%.

Health: Tips for maintaining Good Health

By Adoga Daniella

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to health and nutrition.
People, even qualified experts, often seem to have the exact opposite opinions.
However, despite all the disagreements, there are a few things that are well supported by research.
Here are 8 health and nutrition tips that are actually based on good science.
1. Don't Drink Sugar Calories
Sugary drinks are the most fattening things you can put into your body.
This is because liquid sugar calories don't get registered by the brain in the same way as calories from solid foods.
For this reason, when you drink soda, you end up eating more total calories.
Sugary drinks are strongly associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and all sorts of health problems.
Keep in mind that fruit juices are almost as bad as soda in this regard. They contain just as much sugar, and the small amounts of antioxidants do NOT negate the harmful effects of the sugar.
2. Eat Nuts
Despite being high in fat, nuts are incredibly nutritious and healthy.
They are loaded with magnesium, vitamin E, fiber and various other nutrients.
Studies show that nuts can help you lose weight and may help fight type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Additionally, about 10-15% of the calories in nuts aren't even absorbed into the body, and some evidence suggests that they can boost metabolism.
In one study, almonds were shown to increase weight loss by 62% compared to complex carbohydrates.
3. Avoid Processed Junk Food (Eat Real Food Instead)
All the processed junk foods in the diet are the biggest reason the world is fatter and sicker than ever before.
These foods have been engineered to be "hyper-rewarding," so they trick our brains into eating more than we need, even leading to addiction in some people.
They are also low in fiber, protein and micronutrients (empty calories), but high in unhealthy ingredients like added sugar and refined grains.
4. Don't Fear Coffee
Coffee has been unfairly demonized. The truth is that it's actually very healthy.
Coffee is high in antioxidants, and studies show that coffee drinkers live longer, and have a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and numerous other diseases.
5. Eat Fatty Fish
Pretty much everyone agrees that fish is healthy.
This is particularly true of fatty fish, like salmon, which is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients.
Studies show that people who eat the most fish have a lower risk of all sorts of diseases, including heart disease, dementia and depression.

6. Get Enough Sleep
The importance of getting enough quality sleep can not be overstated.
It may be just as important as diet and exercise, if not more.
Poor sleep can drive insulin resistance, throw your appetite hormones out of whack And reduce your physical and mental performance.
What's more, it is one of the strongest individual risk factors for future weight gain and obesity. One study showed that short sleep was linked to 89% increased risk of obesity in children, and 55% in adults.
7. Take Care of Your Gut Health With Probiotics and Fiber
The bacteria in your gut, collectively called the gut microbiota, are sometimes referred to as the "forgotten organ."
These gut bugs are incredibly important for all sorts of health-related aspects. A disruption in the gut bacteria is linked to some of the world's most serious chronic diseases, including obesity.
A good way to improve gut health, is to eat probiotic foods (like live yogurt and sauerkraut), take probiotic supplements, and eat plenty of fiber. Fiber functions as fuel for the gut bacteria.
8. Drink Some Water, Especially Before Meals
Drinking enough water can have numerous benefits.
One important factor, is that it can help boost the amount of calories you burn.
According to 2 studies, it can boost metabolism by 24-30% over a period of 1-1.5 hours. This can amount to 96 additional calories burned if you drink 2 liters (67 oz) of water per day.
The best time to drink water is half an hour before meals. One study showed that half a litre of water, 30 minutes before each meal, increased weight loss by 44%.

Health: Drug Abuse and Addiction

By Adoga Daniella

Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and behavior. When you’re addicted to drugs, you can’t resist the urge to use them, no matter how much harm the drugs may cause.

Drug addiction isn’t about just heroine, cocaine, or other illegal drugs. You can get addicted to alcohol, nicotine, opioid painkillers, and other legal substances.

At first, you may choose to take a drug because you like the way it makes you feel. You may think you can control how much and how often you use it. But over time, drugs change how your brain works. These physical changes can last a long time. They make you lose self-control and can lead you to damaging behaviors.

Drug Abuse is when you use legal or illegal substances in ways you shouldn’t. You might take more than the regular dose of pills or use someone else’s prescription. You may abuse drugs to feel good, ease stress, or avoid reality. But usually, you’re able to change your unhealthy habits or stop using altogether.

Addiction is when you can’t stop. Not when it puts your health in danger. Not when it causes financial, emotional, and other problems for you or your loved ones. That urge to get and use drugs can fill up every minute of the day, even if you want to quit.

Your brain is wired to make you want to repeat experiences that make you feel good. So you’re motivated to do them again and again.
The drugs that may bet addictive target your brain's reward system. They flood your brain with a chemical called dopamine. This triggers a feeling of intense pleasure. So you keep taking the drug to chase that high.
Over time, your brain gets used to the extra dopamine. So you might need to take more of the drug to get the same good feeling. And other things you enjoyed, like food and hanging out with family, may give you less pleasure.

When you use drugs for a long time, it can cause changes in other brain chemical systems and circuits as well. They can hurt your:
Decision making
Ability to learn
Together, these brain changes can drive you to seek out and take drugs in ways that are beyond your control.

Health: 6 tips on how to maintain good health

By Adoga Daniella

Everybody wants to be healthy, but very few make the effort to go the extra mile and adopt a healthy habits on a day to day basis. However, with more awareness towards a fit and healthy lifestyle, people increasingly are working towards it. The key to maintaining good health is the combination of many factors like regular exercise, good diet, stress management, work-life balance, healthy relationships, high self-esteem and more. Nothing can be substituted for another. If you been looking for some basic guidelines on how to maintain good health, step this way.

1.Stay Hydrated.
2.Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables.
3.Don’t Skip Your Meals.
4.Avoid Fatty, Processed Foods.
5.Include More Lean Meats, Low-Fat Dairy Products, and Whole Grains To Your Diet.
6.Load Up on Good Fats.

Opinion: Why NIJ Student Like Korean Movies


it has been observed that students are addicted to Korean movies which is where the thought of the article originated.Investigations revealed that Korean movies are preferable because students get to learn an entirely different language which would be to  their advantage.The basic reasons given by the students interviewed for the addiction are the actors used in the movie "Boys Over Flowers".

The four actores used in the movie portrayed four characters of real men;being strong,caring,handsome and loving.Female students especially love these stars and some refuse to watch any korean movie which does not feature the four actors.

        An addiction according to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (6th edition)is the condition of being addicted to something.When addicted,one is unable to stop using or doing something as a habit.There seems to be something keeping NIJ students so busy these days,it is none but the captivating Korean Movies.

            A ND2 student Queen Ibenye said " I am addicted to Korean Movies and not other movies because of the lifestyle portrayed in them".She explained further that these films captivates her mind everytime because of the handsome actors and beautiful actresses used in the movies.

              Another  student Anizor Gift also confirmed the fact that she is addicted,and gave her reasons.She said the moral conducts portrayed in Korean movies attractedher. Adding that the movies go without sexual interactions among actors,yet their feelings are easily portrayed. She also said that their storylines are well but giving rooms for believability.

          For most students,the movie that enticed them most was "boys over flower" and ever since then,they have become addicted to Korean movies.Other students love the movies because of their aesthetic and beautiful nature. Extremely beautiful places and views are used and people love to see beautiful things.

        Korean movies have captivated the minds of NIJ students with their believable story Libes,moral values,aesthetic nature, great actors,language etc which incidentally are the reasons for the addiction among the students.

     People get addicted to alcohol,cocaine, drugs,reading novel,listening o music but NIJ students have developed a new habit of watching Korean movies



 The vagina takes care of itself rather you using anything to clean it. Its what a lot of women put in to "keep it clean" that messes and affect with what is called natural fauna and flora down there. Washing it constantly out, many wash the good stuff/thing that is meant to keep it clean and it is through this that bad bacteria sets in then leads to bad smells ad tastes.

    A woman's diet can affect her juices, just as a man's. Changing of diet can also cause changes down there, other causes include stress, both physical and emotional. Keeping yourself clean during and after your period will help a lot, and having more than one sex partner will cause you to be different ,all the time.

       Many women use soap to wash their vulva without knowing it has side effects. It has been found that many people aren't aware that soap should not be used to can the vaginal opening, the tip of your penis (urethral opening),or the anal sphincter.

     The vagina skin is lined with sebaceous glands that secrete an oily substance called sebum, which serves as resistance to infection by undesirable micro-organisms.
    So how do you wash the vagina opening, the penile opening and the anal sphincter? All you need to wash your vagina is clean hands and water. Do not use soap or anything at all asides water. The discharge you get throughout the day, that is how the vagina clens itself.

Using soap will only put you at higher risk of developing irritation or infection. Discharge cleans out diets and dead cells. The vagina is also acidic, so it kills off harmful bacteria while allowing healthy bacteria to thrive You don't need to clean your, just your vulva but do this with water only.
     Bear in mind that your vagina is made up of mucosa like skin but without the  protective layer. It is sensitive and more prone to irritation from chemicals in soaps and washes.

       According to Miss Temitope Omotosho (medical officer of Nigerian Institute of Journalism clinic ),she says "acidic medium and friendly bacteria are the two natural protective factors to fight and protect the vagina fro any sensitive effect.

Politics: Buhari’s Speech On The 2018 Budget

See the source image
                      PRESIDENT BUHARI


President Muhammad Buhari Wednesday signed the 2018 budget at the Presidential villa, Abuja.
Read his full speech below.


I would like to thank the leadership of the National Assembly, particularly the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as well as all the Distinguished Senators and Honorable Members, for passing the 2018 Appropriation Bill, after seven months.

When I submitted the 2018 Budget proposals to the National Assembly on 7th November 2017, I had hoped that the usual legislative review process would be quick, so as to move Nigeria towards a predictable January-December financial year. The importance of this predictability cannot be overemphasized.

While the Federal Government’s budget represents less than 10% of aggregate yearly expenditures in the economy, it has a very significant accelerator effect on the financial plans of other tiers of government, and even more importantly, the private sector, which mostly operates on a January-December financial year.

Notwithstanding the delay this year, I am determined to continue to work with the National Assembly towards improving the budgeting process and restoring our country to the January-December fiscal cycle.

I note, with pleasure, that the National Assembly is working on the enactment of an Organic Budget Law, so as to improve the efficiency of the nation’s budgetary process.

As I mentioned during the presentation of the 2018 Appropriation Bill, we intend to use the 2018 Budget to consolidate the achievements of previous budgets and deliver on Nigeria’s Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) 2017-2020.

It is in this regard that I am concerned about some of the changes that the National Assembly has made to the budget proposals that I presented. The logic behind the Constitutional direction that budgets should be proposed by the Executive is that, it is the Executive that knows and defines its policies and projects.

Unfortunately, that has not been given much regard in what has been sent to me. The National Assembly made cuts amounting to 347 billion Naira in the allocations to 4,700 projects submitted to them for consideration and introduced 6,403 projects of their own amounting to 578 billion Naira.
Many of the projects cut are critical and may be difficult, if not impossible, to implement with the reduced allocation. Some of the new projects inserted by the National Assembly have not been properly conceptualized, designed and costed and will therefore be difficult to execute.

Furthermore, many of these new projects introduced by the National Assembly have been added to the budgets of most MDAs with no consideration for institutional capacity to execute them or the incremental recurrent expenditure that may be required.

As it is, some of these projects relate to matters that are the responsibility of the States and Local Governments, and for which the Federal Government should therefore not be unduly burdened.
Such examples of projects from which cuts were made are as follows:

The provisions for some nationally/regionally strategic infrastructure projects such as Counter-part funding for the Mambilla Power Plant, Second Niger Bridge/ancillary roads, the East-West Road, Bonny-Bodo Road, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway and Itakpe-Ajaokuta Rail Project were cut by an aggregate of 11.5 billion Naira.

Similarly, provisions for some ongoing critical infrastructure projects in the FCT, Abuja especially major arterial roads and the mass transit rail project, were cut by a total of 7.5 billion Naira.
The provision for Rehabilitation and Additional Security Measures for the United Nations Building by the FCT, Abuja was cut by 3.9 billion Naira from 4 billion Naira to 100 million Naira; this will make it impossible for the Federal Government of Nigeria to fulfill its commitment to the United Nations on this project.

The provisions for various Strategic Interventions in the health sector such as the upgrade of some tertiary health institutions, transport and storage of vaccines through the cold chain supply system, provision of anti-retroviral drugs for persons on treatment, establishment of chemotherapy centers and procurement of dialysis consumables were cut by an aggregate amount of 7.45 billion Naira.
The provision for security infrastructure in the 104 Unity Schools across the country were cut by 3 billion Naira at a time when securing our students against acts of terrorism ought to be a major concern of government.

The provision for the Federal Government’s National Housing Program me was cut by 8.7 billion Naira. At a time when we are working with Labor to address compensation-related issues, a total of 5 billion Naira was cut from the provisions for Pension Redemption Fund and Public Service Wage Adjustment.

The provisions for Export Expansion Grant (EEG) and Special Economic Zones/Industrial Parks, which are key industrialization initiatives of this Administration, were cut by a total of 14.5 billion Naira. The provision for Construction of the Terminal Building at Enugu Airport was cut from 2 billion Naira to 500 million Naira which will further delay the completion of this critical project.
The Take-off Grant for the Maritime University in Delta State, a key strategic initiative of the Federal Government, was cut from 5 billion Naira to 3.4 billion Naira.

About seventy (70) new road projects have been inserted into the budget of the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing. In doing so, the National Assembly applied some of the additional funds expected from the upward review of the oil price benchmark to the Ministry’s vote. Regrettably, however, in order to make provision for some of the new roads, the amounts allocated to some strategic major roads have been cut by the National Assembly.

Another area of concern is the increase by the National Assembly of the provisions for Statutory Transfers by an aggregate of 73.96 billion Naira. Most of these increases are for recurrent expenditure at a time we are trying to keep down the cost of governance.
An example of this increase is the budget of the National Assembly itself which has increased by 14.5 billion Naira, from 125 billion Naira to 139.5 billion Naira without any discussion with the Executive.

 Notwithstanding the above stated observations, I have decided to sign the 2018 Budget in order not to further slowdown the pace of recovery of our economy, which has doubtlessly been affected by the delay in passing the budget.However, it is my intention to seek to remedy some of the most critical of these issues through a supplementary and/or amendment budget which I hope the National Assembly will be able to expeditiously consider.
I am pleased with the success recorded in the implementation of the 2017 Budget. A total sum of 1.5 trillion Naira has been released for the implementation of capital projects during the 2017 fiscal year. In response to this and other policy measures implemented, we have observed significant improvement in the performance of the Nigerian economy.

To achieve the laudable objectives of the 2018 Budget, we will work very hard to generate the revenues required to finance our projects and program me. The positive global oil market outlook, as well as continuing improvement in non-oil revenues, make us optimistic about our ability to finance the budget.

However, being a deficit budget, the Borrowing Plan will be forwarded to the National Assembly shortly. I crave the indulgence of the National Assembly for a speedy consideration and approval of the Plan.

The 2018 Budget I have just signed into law provides for aggregate expenditures of 9.12 trillion Naira, which is 22.6% higher than the 2017 Appropriation. Further details of the approved budget will be provided by the Minister of Budget and National Planning.

I thank the Ministers of Budget and National Planning, the Budget Office of the Federation, and everyone who worked tirelessly and sacrificed so much to bring us to this day. However, the job is only partly done.

I am sure you will remain committed to advancing our Change Agenda, not only in the preparation of the national budget, but also in ensuring its effective implementation.

I thank you and God bless Nigeria.

We are in Support of Restructuring- Osinbajo

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                       Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo


Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo has said that the present administration is not opposed to restructuring as being canvassed in many quarters. Osinbajo stated this while addressing traditional rulers from Ekiti State at the palace of the Ewi of Ado-Ekiti, Oba Rufus Adejugbe, on Wednesday.

The Vice-President said, “I want to say that this country is strongest, this country is best when we are one, when we are united. It is a united country that can make a difference. We are fully in support of any form of restructuring that will benefit the people of our country.

 “We are also keenly supportive of anything that gives a measure of independence for states so that the states can realise their own potential and do very well for themselves in every way. The President is keenly supportive of all of those things. So, for us, unity is important, peace is important.”

Osinbajo noted that there was nothing politicians would not say especially as the nation approaches elections. He, however, said the present administration was committed to keeping the nation as one and ensuring that no life was lost during electioneering.

“As we approach the elections, people say all sorts of things even in order to win elections, in order to gain ascendancy.

Osinbajo disclosed that additional 8,600 graduates had been pre-selected and would be engaged at the end of this month, therefore bringing the number of beneficiaries in the state to 11,000.
The Vice-President added that 10,664 beneficiaries from the state had also received micro-credit from the Federal Government of Nigeria under the SIP. Another 10,688 people, he said, were benefitting from the Conditional Cash Transfers in the state by receiving a monthly benefit of N5,000.

Opinion: Eight Ways To Burn Fat


Belly fat can be annoying and takes away from an outfit perfect fit. We could do without the funny bulges and where people congratulate you for your 'bump' thinking you are pregnant then it has gone too far.

Load up on these tips to burn that annoying belly fat fast!

1) Eat five to six meals in small portions a day,this will boost your metabolism.

2) Sit ups, crunches and other exercises help strengthen your abdominal muscles (though it will not reduce fat).

3) Avoid refined sugar. White bread, cake, cookies, ice cream and candy all contain high levels of "bad" carbohydrates and refined sugar.

4) Drink more water, this improves your digestion and energy level.

5) Stop eating at least 2 hours before bedtime.

6) Consume 3 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. This helps keep your intestines clean and as a result eliminate bloating.

7) Eat more dark chocolate.

8) Improve your posture. You can give off an appearance of a slimmer stomach by just pulling your shoulders back and standing up straight

Opinion: Atiku Condemn Big Brother Naija

The former Vice President of Nigeria, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has expressed his dissatisfaction on trending Television show Big Brother Series for projecting it activities form South Africa and not Nigeria despite its featuring Nigerians, as he said it’s a means of outsourcing the country.

Atiku lamented that Nigeria have all the facilities to accommodate the contestant in Nigeria rather than flying them to South Africa. “BigBrother Naija is been broadcast from South Africa, is it the extent we have outsource Nigeria? As far as I’m concern, if it concerns Nigeria, it must be done in Nigeria not abroad” he said.

He further said that the country has been caught up in modern trap consequently dragging Nigeria in lot of challenges.

“Our nation is going through a lot of challenges, these challenges are symbols and nit ailments, and we cannot treat a disease without knowing it symptoms. What is happening in Nigeria today is that we are caught up in modern days trap” he said,

The former president urged for genuine restructuring of the country to free Nigerians. . He said “I so much believe in genuine restructuring of the country, and I will say that restructuring Nigeria will not kill Nigerians but free them”.

Commenting on the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) snake saga, the ex-Vice President of Nigeria, Atiku Abubakar has said that the snakes of corruption must be killed to move the nation forward.

“What is happening in Nigeria today is that we are caught up in modern days trap. For years our population has been growing faster that our Gross Domestic Products (GDP).  What went wrong between 2014 and 2018 was because APC came over. The last time we made progress was in 2014 when PDP was in power. We have to kill the snake of corruption, weather in JAMB office or anywhere, we must kill it” Atiku said. 

Opinion: The legendary Nigerian Reggae Maestro

An apple does not fall far from the tree. This turn of phrase is at once true of fast-rising raga-dancehall star, Ogechukwu Onwubuya, better known as Oge Kimono, first child and daughter of legendary Nigerian reggae maestro, Ras Kimono. A chip off the old block, she is certainly flying the ‘family business’ flag high and doing her dad and a growing number of fans proud with her fantastic talent. 
If you’re one of those who think reggae music as played by the greats is on its way out or completely phased, then, listening to Oge Kimono or watching her do her thing on stage might make you have a rethink. Of course, there’s that tinge, swathes even, of nostalgia that wells up inside when reggae aficionados reminisce on the thrilling musical experiences they had in the 60s, 70s, 80s, perhaps the 90s too, thanks to legends like Bob Nesta Marley, Peter Tosh, South Africa’s Lucky Dube, Maxi Priest, as well as our own Ras Kimono, Orits Wiliki and Majek Fashek. Those were the days – the golden age. 
Now, the soulful and absorbing music genre is experiencing an unprecedented resurgence and finding its way back into the consciousness of Nigerians through Oge Kimono’s forceful and fresh dimension. 
Hers was a natural and early baptism into the world of music even though much of her formative years were spent away from the spotlight with her grandmother in Aba, Abia State, South-East Nigeria, where she attended high school. A proud grandmother who had spotted her young granddaughter’s talent for melody-making, would often get her singing to entertain her friends whenever they dropped by the house. It was the beginning of something special.
Reggae Music? Pull the other one!
Like many music stars, Oge Kimono cut her teeth in music as a member of her high school church choir - St. Bridget’s College Church Choir, in Aba, where she was sort of a school star. What is astonishing is that she grew with an overwhelming love for music, just not reggae music: “I have always loved music. I have always loved everything about entertainment, from dancing to singing, at a very tender age but I was never into reggae music. I would rather listen to more of country music, R&B, and South African music by Yvonne Chaka Chaka and the rest. Reggae wasn’t really my thing because I felt that it was slow. Most of them sang in patois, I didn’t understand patois back then but of course now I am fluent in patois.” 
At the age of 16, when she began to ponder music as her career path, she decided to give reggae a second try and so began an adventure and a love affair that’s now propelling her to the throne of Nigeria’s reggae empire. She said, “At the age of 16 I started to listen to reggae just so I could pick out one or two things from what the reggae artistes were singing. Of course I had begun to speak patois more and more with my dad at this point.”
“In the process, I connected with reggae music before deciding to become a reggae artiste. The message in the songs, the way they deliver their lyrics, the rhythm, the base, everything put together just thrilled me. I love the wordplay that they use. So I got quite interested and said, ‘I really want to do this.’ Reggae basically addresses social issues – religion, politics, and our everyday way of life – all that caught me.” 
Oge Kimono has more than an ornamental connection to the legends. She plunged headlong into the pantheons and learnt at the feet of the legendary Bob Marley and every great : “My dad too, because after a while I started to listen to the lyrics of his song; then there was Tarrus Riley, Peter Tosh, Marcia Griffiths – who’s called the Queen of Reggae – I could go on and on. Lucky Dube too as well as Majek Fashek because he was a very spiritual person at that time, so he did it for me.”
Adegoke Oladunmade

Thursday, June 21, 2018

England manager, Gareth Southgate dislocates shoulder amidst game

By: Shogbade Praise

England's Football manager, Gareth Southgate, suffered a dislocation in the shoulder on Wednesday June, 20 while running.

The manager, who has been pictured wearing his arm in a sling, told "It is better this is me than one of the players.
"They were a bit surprised in the team meeting and were asking, 'what have you been doing?'
"As always, they were probably quite amused."
He also joked: "I might not be celebrating any goals as athletically in future!"
He went on: "We are lucky we have a top-class medical team around us, so it was fine. I had brilliant help from them, and I am just sorry that I managed to ruin their day off."
Southgate suffered the injury during a scheduled day off from training at the biggest tournament in football, as he was running near the team's base.
England are currently level on points with Belgium at the top of Group G after both won their opening games.


Monday, June 18, 2018


By Ajayi Oluwabukunmi

Did you know that the bandanas can be traced back to the 18th century? Yes! People back then were much cooler and simple than we thought they were. Anyway, just like a lot of the retro styles, bandanas are back too! It’s like a rescue ranger for your bad hair days. Not just that, they double up as accessories and more.
Let’s look at everything you can do with a bandana and learn how to wear them differently too. Once you decide to style it, you realize it’s going to be quick, stylish and easy. Try it and show it off to your friends.
4 Best Ways To Wear A Bandana
1. How To Wear A Bandana In Your Hair
Brush your hair thoroughly to remove any tangles.
Now with a teaser comb, randomly tease the front and crown part of your hair.
Assuming you are having a bad hair day, tie your hair up in a high pony, tease it a little for a messy look.
Tie your bandana like this.
Now, bring the bandana from under your ponytail, so that the loose ends are at the top.
Adjust the bandana, and tie it up in one or two loops. Ensure it is intact.
You can try different variations with your hair left open or tied down, a messy bun, etc.
Looks great with both long and short hair.
2. How To Wear A Bandana Around Your Neck
Fold the bandana like this
And tie it around your neck, with the loose ends at the front of your neck
Tie it into a loop or two
3. How To Wear Bandana As An Accessory
All you have to do is to fold your bandana into a thin band like this. Start by wrapping the band around your wrist, with the pointy end at the bottom. Leave enough for tying it up and tuck the remaining (if any).
Lay the bandana on a smooth surface.
Fold into a half.
Start wrapping the bandana towards the sharp end of the bandana.
Make about two or three rounds, until you see a small or big triangle formed.
your look almost instantly. It is as simple as that. 


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Gbenga Oloniniran, Oyedeji Samson, Olajide Adedamola, Jimoh Oladipupo and Adeniji John, who were accused of assaulting officials of the institution have been let off the hook by a magistrate court, which struck out the case for lack of diligent prosecution.
The magistrate court said: “Since the beginning of the matter there has been case of legal advice. There were times the state counsel did not even come to court. Till today, the case still remains the same”.

According to Premium times, the students were arrested on the 21nd of March, for physically obstructing the eviction of students from a female hostel in the university.n
The claim that the students were arrested and arraigned for protesting an alleged illegal eviction of students from their hostels, was debunked by the university’s spokesperson, Abiodun Olarewaju, in a statement released on Monday, March 26.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Entertainment: Tiwa Savage's Song Banned Over Alcohol


African music diva Tiwa Savage, has expressed shock after her latest track, ‘Tiwa’s Vibe’ was banned from being played on local stations because she said “Shayo”, a Nigerian slang for alcohol.

According to her, the track was banned due to her mention of alcohol and for a country where alcohol is legal, she described the action as absurd.

She wrote: ‘Just heard Tiwa’s vibe is banned on local stations because I said shayo, but alcohol is legal right?’.

Recall that the government just officially placed a ban on Shisha smoking in the country in their bid to curb drug consumption and abuse.



Nigerian Pop musician Kiss Daniel has been in a long drawn battle with his erstwhile label, G-Worldwide since he announced his departure from their stables on October 13 2017 and set up his own imprint, FlyBoy Inc.

He then went ahead to effect a change to his stage name from Kiss Daniel to Kizz Daniel, but the name change doesn't seem to have come with any respite as the label have now gone ahead to trademark the new name.

In a statement released by the record label Friday, June 15 2018, excerpts from the statement reads;

''The Management of G-Worldwide Entertainment wishes to inform the general public that the matter of G-Worldwide Entertainment Ltd v Oluwatobiloba Daniel Anidugbe before the Federal High Court, Lagos Division, is still ongoing contrary to the fake news being peddled by the artiste and his advisers to mislead the public.

Following several requests and enquiries by Nigerian and foreign online media and entertainment outfits about the status of the matter, it has become needful to notify the public of the current state of facts.

The suit at the Federal High Court last came up on 16th May 2018 whereupon our lawyers informed the Judge of a pending application for status quo to further restrain the rebellious acts of the artiste in view of the recent release of previously unreleased songs from the Evolution album, as well as the continued use of the name Kiss Daniel without our approval...

It also interesting to inform the public that the Court was informed about the artiste’s release of the new song titled 4 Dayz, and For You a collaboration with WizKid, which are songs from the Evolution album, the ownership of which forms the subject matter of the suit at Federal High Court.

We therefore need to let the public know that these releases demonstrate that the artiste is on a trip to put the credibility of other artistes whom he collaborates with in question.

We are also aware that the artiste has released the video of 4 Days, done a collaboration with Sheyi Shay titled Surrender, and another song, Me ke with Omawumi by changing his name from ’Kiss Daniel’ to ‘‘Kizz Daniel’’.

Let the whole world also take note that G-Worldwide is also the owner of the name ‘‘Kizz Daniel’’ (see acceptance and acknowledgement documents from the Ministry of Trade & Investment).

All digital platforms have been put on notice for take down of infringing materials where the name Kizz Daniel is in use, and we have responded to foreign and local media outfits on this issue following calls for clarification.

We also wish to formally inform the public that the artiste’s use of the names Kiss Daniel and Kizz Daniel amount to breach of the company’s intellectual property rights. Thank you.

It will be recalled that following the name change on his social media platforms sometime in May, which was immediately followed by quick fire releases of collaborations with other artistes.

His former manager, Louiza Williams, had stated in an interview that the singer’s recent action had no effect on the court case.

“I actually did not know that he had changed his name until you told me. However, there is no big deal about that; it has nothing to do with the case.

The next court date is June 26. It is not true that the case has been settled; so, I don’t know where all those reports came from. If there was anything like that, I would be aware of it.

Kiss Daniel was signed to G-Worldwide Entertainment in 2013, releasing his breakout single, Woju in 2015, with his debut album “New Era” re.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Politics: Buhari Arresting Obasanjo For Corruption

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                                Former President Obasanjo

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo recently insinuated that he may soon be packing his portable suitcase for a quick trip to quod.

President Buhari and Baba Obasanjo have been locked up in a dicey duel for close to a year. Obasanjo was a champion of Buhari’s presidential run in 2015. He believed that candidate Buhari was the answer to Nigeria’s many ills.

According to Former President Obasanjo  he said: “I see Buhari as the next President and Jonathan is aware of that…a General is always a General…”. This was then the gutsy gospel of Baba about the man he helped make president.  Buhari also, in turn, dived into some sweetly-stringed logorrhea about his former boss. General Olusegun Obasanjo is the only living Nigerian that led Nigeria for more than 11 years; so, for anybody to think that General Obasanjo is irrelevant, or he was trying to push his influence over issues, I think he’s being uncharitable and not being fair to Nigeria’s political development. 

Obasanjo 13-page letter to President Buhari earlier in the year stirred up a spatiotemporal hubbub across Nigeria.  Baba demanded that Buhari should abrogate his ambition and not seek re-election in 2019. He believes that the President has failed wobbly and woefully in all aspects of governance.  He wants him to go back to Daura with the remnants of his integrity intact. But Buhari has announced he is running. And faster than an unbridled horse; he is on a sprint to triumph.

If Buhari orders the arrest of Obasanjo for corruption or other infractions while he was President; how many Nigerians will cry? Buhari may be privy to some confidential information about Baba separate from the $16bn splurge on electricity that only helped electrocute Nigeria’s economy and thready life and living. When Obasanjo was imprisoned by Abacha, how many Nigerians protested the mean move? But when Abiola was arrested by the same junta, for many months, economic activities were grounded to a halt as a show of solidarity for the murdered billionaire winner of June 12 election. Between the Yoruba and Obasanjo, the love song has a very short stanza that may never last mellifluously too long. 



Politics: I don't trust Police -Fayose

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                                        Ayodele Fayose

The Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose said a statement today which is fascinating that he does not trust the police and called on President Muhammadu Buhari to restructure the country so as to end insecurity. Fayose said this at this at an interactive conference convened a Pan Yoruba Socio-cultural group, Yoruba Ko’ya, in Ado Ekiti on Thursday with the theme, “Protecting Yoruba Land.”
At the event, Fayose called on all the Yoruba irrespective of their political interest and religion to unite to resist the invasion of the Yoruba land by external forces.
He said, “Let me say very expressly that resistance is not easy but only the courageous win. I was at Ibadan restructuring crusade organised by Afenifere in September 2017, all that I said there, I have no apology for them.
“Yoruba people should be allowed to be in right places. I want to appeal to our people that this is a collective struggle. If you say you cannot defend yourself, someone wants to cut you,…you want to wait and allow people to shoot you? Even God does not appreciate cowards.”
He further said: “I don’t trust the police, but these people sitting are the real police; the hunters are the real police that I trust. The vigilantes are the real security; policemen are only accountable to the Inspector General of Police, not the people but the local people are the mightiest.
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“We must defend our land. Some of our leaders because of their political interest, they keep shut. I am a Nigerian, they should lock me up, I am not afraid; the power of the people is greater than those in the position of power. Those oppressing us today will be out of power one day.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Popular Artiste Ras Kimono is Dead.


Popular Nigeria Reggae Artiste, Ras Kimono is Dead.

A close family source confirmed the demise of the music icon on Sunday.

The reggae musician was rushed to a hospital in Ikoyi after he slumped on Saturday.

A source added that Ras Kimono later died in the hospital on Sunday.

Mourning the reggae artiste, President of the Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PMAN), Mr Pretty Okafor, described his death as a big loss to the music industry.

The legendary artiste, whose real name is Ukeleke Elumelu was an appraised social crusader and a revolutionary who through his music canvassed a better Nigeria.

Kimono, 60,  was known for his hit songs “Under pressure’’ and “We no want’’.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Ebola Virus Still On The Rise In Congo

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The Democratic Republic of Congo, on Tuesday, reported 42 cases of the Ebola virus disease in the ongoing outbreak.

Spokeswoman for the country’s Ministry of Public Health, Jessica Ilunga, who made this known, said that the government is trying to prevent the spread of the disease by carrying out screening tests at the airports and other entry points to Mbandaka, capital of the Equateur Province.

Ilunga further said that anybody with confirmed or suspected Ebola Virus Disease would be moved to the Ebola treatment centres as soon as the facilities were ready.

She also stated that the Government would provide vaccination in order to prevent more cases, adding that the World Health Organisation is expected to send 4,000 doses of Ebola vaccine to DRC in the near future.

The WHO, in a press statement on Monday said that April 4 through May 13, a total of 39 Ebola virus disease cases had been reported in DRC, including 19 deaths.

According to them, “The latest numbers until May 13, 2018 are: 42 cases, including two confirmed; 21 probable and 19 suspected".

Shogbade Praise

Manchester City target Toni kroos over Isco

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Manchester city football club have reportedly abandoned their pursuit of Real Madrid football club attacking midfielder Isco and are instead now interested in signing his teammateToni Kroos.

City boss Pep Guardiola has stated that he will only look to add one or two new players to his title-winning squad this summer after seeing his side become the first in English top-flight history to rack up 100 points in a single campaign.

Isco has been linked with a move to the Etihad Stadium for some time and Guardiola is understood to still be a fan of the Spaniard, but Madrid president Florentino Perez is reluctant to let the 26-year-old leave.

Spanish outlet Don Balon reports that City have now switched their focus to Kroos as a result, with a new midfielder thought to be near the top of Guardiola's list of priorities.

City's local rivals Manchester United have previously been linked with the Germany international, although they are more interested in signing Fred or Sergej Milinkovic-Savic this summer.

City have also been credited with an interest in both players, while Napoli's Jorginho is another who is on the radar of the new Premier League champions.

Chelsea want Pochettino as New Manager

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Chelsea football club have reportedly identified Tottenham Hotspur football club boss Mauricio Pochettino as a potential candidate to replace Antonio Conte as the club's manager this summer.

Conte is expected to leave Stamford Bridge following Saturday's FA Cup final against Manchester United, having seen his side miss out on Champions League qualification with a fifth-placed finish in the Premier League this season.

The likes of Luis Enrique and Maurizio Sarri have been linked with the Chelsea post should the Italian leave just 12 months after guiding the club to the Premier League title in his first season in English football.

However, Sky Sports News now reports that the Blues are considering poaching Pochettino from London rivals Spurs, who have qualified for the Champions League in each of the past three seasons under the Argentine.

Pochettino still has three years remaining on his contract at Tottenham, but he has recently suggested that he could leave depending on the outcome of transfer talks with chairman Daniel Levy .