Friday, June 22, 2018



 The vagina takes care of itself rather you using anything to clean it. Its what a lot of women put in to "keep it clean" that messes and affect with what is called natural fauna and flora down there. Washing it constantly out, many wash the good stuff/thing that is meant to keep it clean and it is through this that bad bacteria sets in then leads to bad smells ad tastes.

    A woman's diet can affect her juices, just as a man's. Changing of diet can also cause changes down there, other causes include stress, both physical and emotional. Keeping yourself clean during and after your period will help a lot, and having more than one sex partner will cause you to be different ,all the time.

       Many women use soap to wash their vulva without knowing it has side effects. It has been found that many people aren't aware that soap should not be used to can the vaginal opening, the tip of your penis (urethral opening),or the anal sphincter.

     The vagina skin is lined with sebaceous glands that secrete an oily substance called sebum, which serves as resistance to infection by undesirable micro-organisms.
    So how do you wash the vagina opening, the penile opening and the anal sphincter? All you need to wash your vagina is clean hands and water. Do not use soap or anything at all asides water. The discharge you get throughout the day, that is how the vagina clens itself.

Using soap will only put you at higher risk of developing irritation or infection. Discharge cleans out diets and dead cells. The vagina is also acidic, so it kills off harmful bacteria while allowing healthy bacteria to thrive You don't need to clean your, just your vulva but do this with water only.
     Bear in mind that your vagina is made up of mucosa like skin but without the  protective layer. It is sensitive and more prone to irritation from chemicals in soaps and washes.

       According to Miss Temitope Omotosho (medical officer of Nigerian Institute of Journalism clinic ),she says "acidic medium and friendly bacteria are the two natural protective factors to fight and protect the vagina fro any sensitive effect.

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